Web Process Journey

Message Rider Web Journey


First you need to enter website name www.messagerider.com in browser ,now need to signup if you don't have account on our website if already have account then go on login button.
UsernameEnter your username
Email Id*****67@gmail.com
Mobile Number******2375
Click SignupClick the Signup button to create an account in Message Rider.
Login Details
If you already have an account, log in with your User ID and password. Enter your correct login details.
Email Id*****67@gmail.com
Click LoginClick on the Login button to access your Message Rider account.
After a successful login, 'Dashboard' displays our package details.
On opening Dashboard option to messagerider web we can see our plans detaile also having value to Today Message, Total Message, Allotted Message and QR Code for Whatsapp Configuration by scaning with WhatsApp QR scanner option
Total MessagesAccording to the purchased plan, you can see the total number of messages.
Today's MessagesThe number of messages sent today to users.
Allotted MessagesAccording to the purchased plan, the total number of allotted messages.
QR CodeBy scanning the QR code, you can configure your WhatsApp and send messages to subscribers.
This step will allow you to send messages to your subscribers by selecting any type of reference, such as files or web links.
Details about Message Sending:
Select FilesYou can select files, web links, or images to share with your subscribers.
Mobile NumberEnter the correct mobile number.
DescriptionWrite a detailed message to convey your message to subscribers.
Send MessageAfter entering all the above details, press the send message button.
Message TableYou can see the records of your sent messages here.
Here We can See our plan detail.
Here you can seed Plan Detail about Standard and Enterprices.
Standard PlanBy click on Purchase button you can see plane detail
Enterprice PlanBy click on Purchase button you can see plane detail
Press on blue color buttonBy clicking on the Purchase button in Standard or Enterprise category, you can see plane details in a popup like this:Plan DetailsAllocated number of Messages Per Plan.
Press on Submit buttonBy clicking on the Purchase button in Standard or Enterprise category, you can see plane details in a popup like this:Plan DetailsAllocated number of Messages Per Plan. After reviewing the details, press the Submit button and request for message rider will be send and team will revert on registered mail id as per decided TAT as per company support team.

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